Berry Smart Solutions, LLC

Berry Smart Solutions, LLC


Berry Smart Solutions, LLC was incorporated in 2008. The company has partnered with organizations throughout the State of Indiana, Michigan, and Florida to grow organizational well-being strategies and initiatives, improve student academic success and create extraordinary program experiences for clients.  

  Meet the CEO&Founder 


Ebony is a native of East Lansing, MI, and is the founder and CEO of Berry Smart Solutions, LLC.  She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Central Michigan University with a specialization in Public Health Education and Health Promotions and a Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Health Care Management from the University of Phoenix. 

She has expanded her services and works with leading educational entities, local schools, universities, health systems, private and non-profit organizations.  Project platforms have included-Classroom course design, in-service training for teachers and employees, sports league & team toolkits, parent resource guides, activity trackers, wellness curriculum design, grant-writing, concept development papers for jail diversion programs, Group homes, Adult Day Care Centers, Medical and Rehabilitation and Traumatic Brain Injury Centers.  

Ebony believes in living a healthy lifestyle.  Her company takes a holistic approach to healthy living focusing on the six dimensions of wellness-Environmental, Intellectual, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Social.  Berry Smart Solutions, LLC is a company that cares...It's the Berry Smart Choice!